Getting Started

Becoming Familiar with the Basic Biology

For those of you just getting your feet wet in molecular biology, synthetic biology, and the bio-awesome world of science, I recommend tracing through the posts under the label "biotech roots".

Try following this order for best results:
Biotechnology: The Alien World Inside
Where it all Begins - DNA
Setting up Shop: RNA to Proteins
Molecular Biology - The Portal to Biotechnology
Battling Malaria with ... Baker's Yeast?
Bioinformatics: DNA = Bioinformation
Viruses - A Vector to Remember

Essential Biotech History

For the history buffs among you, dive into the recent history of synthetic biology and acquaint yourself with the fascinating scientists who got us to where we are today under the label "essential biotech beans".

For example:
Bioinformatics: Genome Assembly is an introduction to genome assembly, and its roots in the human genome project

Breaking News

For the slightly the avid biotechies among you, follow our posts that break down the science from recent news stories and movies under the label "fresh beans".

For starters, read about a green way to take over the world with your Zombie Army...

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