Synthetic Biology Put to Work
Bakers Yeast (Saccharomycescerevisiae) is a common microorganism used in raising bread and fermenting
alcoholic beverages. For obvious economic and gastronomic reasons, our society
is good at growing yeast for cheap. Turns out, scientists have put a lot of
effort into studying yeast genetics. Are you thinking what they thought at
Berkeley? A fascinating article appeared in the Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences in January 2012 [1]
detailing the work of a group of Berkeley researchers who put two and two
together. They manipulated the yeast metabolism to do a lot of the heavy
lifting in artemisinin production. In plain English, they used their knowledge
of the central dogma to engineer the yeast's DNA, RNA, and protein stages in a
way that produced artemisinin. It was some bio-slick bioengineering.
Now, intuitively we might think "let's just cut
all the genes necessary to make artemisinin from A. annua and paste them into the yeast genome. Yeast will make
artemisinin, end of story." It's not quite that simple. Some key concerns
of the research group were the following:
- Former attempts at creating artemisinin in yeast used a very expensive sugar called "galactose". Could they switch to a cheaper input sugar?
- Codon usage in the "transplanted" A. annua genes was not optimum for yeast translation (we'll talk about what that means). Could they optimize codon usage for yeast?
- The metabolicpathway (molecular assembly line) in yeast was not balanced. It created too much of some pre-requisite molecules, and not enough of other molecules. The end result was sub-optimal amounts of end product. Could they balance the pathway and increase final output?
They addressed their concerns in the following ways,
with the following results:
Could they switch to a cheaper input sugar?

Galactose is to Gal80p as chocolate is to my mother;
a key that unlocks. Galactose keeps Gal80p from repressing those key genes in
the artemisinin pathway. Therefore, in order to produce artemisinin, galactose
had to be present. But galactose is expensive! What's the solution? The
Berkeley team found success by mixing a little bit of galactose with mostly
glucose, which worked great. The galactose was enough to derepress the
essential genes, and glucose served as primary carbon source. However, the team
did not stop there. To further decrease the cost of production, and to simplify
the process, they deleted the GAL80 gene altogether. By removing the GAL80
gene, there was no Gal80p repressor to unlock. Goodbye galactose. That's the
equivalent of deleting mom's preference for chocolate, which would be a serious
feat of bioengineering.
As an interesting side note, the team also tested
ethanol as a primary carbon source, and found that their yeast cultures
produced nearly 8-times more artemisinin precursor than they did with glucose.
The nice thing about deleting GAL80 was that they were free to use any carbon
source, without the need to add galactose. Apparently the pathway from ethanol
was more efficient in this case.
Could they optimize (find the perfect) codon usage for yeast?
Remember that a codon is a group of three DNA bases
that code for an amino acid. While most organisms use the same genetic code
(the same bases code for the same amino acids), there are multiple codons for
each amino acid and sometimes an organism prefers one version over another. For
example, CGT, CGC, CGA and CGG all code for Arginine. Most organisms will have tRNAs
that match each of these codons. But, some tRNAs will be more abundant. Let's
assume that in A. annua the tRNA for
CGT is much more abundant that the tRNA for CGA. If a gene contains many
arginines, all coded for using CGT, the protein will be produced more quickly
and more abundantly that if all the arginines were coded for using the rare
tRNA, CGA. Both versions of the codon will work, but the relative abundance of
the tRNAs influences how efficiently protein is produced. It's similar to the
supply of a textiles factory. By choosing to use imported cotton over local
cotton, it is probable that new cotton shipments will take longer to arrive to
the factory. If you run out of cotton, it will take a long time for a new
shipment to arrive from India, and in the meantime the factory produces little
or no textiles. A local supplier will probably be able to fill the factory's
needs faster, meaning fewer interruptions in textile manufacturing.
Proteins operate in a similar fashion. When the
ribosome arrives at a particular codon, it effectively pauses and waits for the
correct tRNA to snap into place. If there is no matching tRNA, the pause grows
longer and longer. Eventually, it stalls and moves on to new, better mRNA
strands, leaving behind an incomplete protein.
This issue of codon optimization is not good or bad,
but merely another tool that can be used to control how much protein is
expressed by a cell. To decrease the amount of finished protein, simply use
suboptimal codons. In the case of the Berkeley team, the genes that they pasted
into yeast originated in A. annua.
Codon usage in A. annua is different
than in yeast. They hoped that by replacing all the suboptimal codons with
optimal ones, production of artemisinin precursor would increase.
Codon optimization of the genes in question was
performed first by a computer. The Berkeley team had copies of the gene
sequence (the sequence of bases that make up the gene) in text files. Previous
molecular biology research had already determined which codons are optimal in
yeast. Either by hand or using a computer program, someone on the team read
through the sequence starting at the start codon, and checked each codon
one-by-one. If a codon was suboptimal, they swapped it with an optimized
version. Writing software to do this sort of thing is a classic example of
bioinformatics, which will be covered in all its glory in another post.
With the new sequence in hand, they most likely sent
the file to a company that specializes in DNA synthesis. Many companies exist
that are able to synthesize DNA strands from electronic formats. They
synthesize DNA with the desired sequence, and ship it back to the lab. The
research team can plug the sequence into the yeast and continue on with their
merry work.
In the Berkeley team's case, they tested the newly
optimized versions in yeast, and discovered that it really didn't make much of
a difference in artemisinin production. Whatever bottlenecks were limiting
production rate, suboptimal codons were not among them.
Could they balance the pathway and increase final output?

The moral of the story is clear—don't make conveyor
belt speedup decisions on an empty stomach. A second moral that in order to
produce more, all stages of the process need to be ramped up. In designing
yeast to produce artemisinin, simply up-regulating the genes that convert
Acetyl-CoA to mevalonate will probably not end up producing more artemisinic
acid in the end. It's likely that a backlog of mevalonate will result. The
excess mevalonate will hang around the cell, serving no useful function, and
possibly causing harm. Engineering a cell to produce a product requires some
effort towards balancing inputs and outputs.
There are many possible ways of approaching this
problem. Perhaps the enzymes that catalyze the reaction from Acetyl-CoA to
Mevalonate are simply inefficient. Protein engineering is the field that
specializes in optimizing proteins for a desired function (more on this in a future post). The Berkeley team took another tack. Rather than change the enzymes
directly, they opted to alter the amount of enzyme present. More enzyme equals
more Acetyl-CoA to Mevalonate (assuming there's enough Acetyl-CoA to feed the
reaction). Less enzyme, less Mevalonate.
The artemisinin-producing metabolic pathway (reproduced from [1]) |
To accomplish this, we return to the now familiar
promoter region upstream of a gene. Remember that the promoter attracts RNA
polymerase, which goes on to make mRNA. Some promoters attract better than
others. Some promoters are repressed by specific proteins (like the Gal80p
example), while others are activated by specific proteins. Some promoters have
both activators and repressors. Promoters also work differently in different
organisms. A reporter that works in E.
coli might not work at all in yeast, or might work too well. Too well means
that a cell allocates too many resources to producing whatever follows the
super-promoter, and winds up sick or dead. I've personally made E. coli cells sick because they produced
too much GFP. There are entire libraries of repressors fine-tuned to suit the
needs of a biotech researcher.
The Berkeley team noticed that many genes in their
artemisinin pathway were controlled by completely different promoters, which
resulted in different enzyme levels at each step in the process. This is
analogous to having different conveyor belt speeds in the chocolate factory.
One precursor might be backlogged while another precursor is in short supply,
all of which results in an inefficient process. To solve this problem, the
Berkeley team swapped out several promoters in the mevalonate pathway and replaced
them with matching promoters from the rest of the system. Remember from earlier
that the team deleted the GAL80 gene so that galactose would no longer be
necessary to derepress (unlock) transcription of needed genes. That's because
Gal80p binds to the promoter region of the GAL1 gene. Another way to understand
this is that many of the essential genes in the pathway were controlled by the
GAL1 promoter. Understanding this, the Berkeley team replaced other promoters
with the GAL1 promoter so that the entire pathway would be operating at the
same pace. Using the same promoter for everything is like setting all the
conveyor belts to the same speed. The enzymes will still catalyze reactions
with different efficiencies, resulting in backlogs, but cells are resilient. At
least by using the same promoter for everything, production levels are in the
same ball park.
Final Results
The resulting strain of yeast from the Berkeley
team's work was able to produce reasonable amounts of amorpha-4,11-diene from
ethanol or glucose, which can then be converted to artemisinin in a laboratory.
The paper explained difficulties with the process that have yet to be overcome,
and no doubt it will take years for cheaper, yeast-produce antimalarial drugs
to hit the streets. But, are you beginning to catch a glimpse of the power of
biotechnology to solve problems? Originally it was necessary to wait months to
grow fickle plants, having to worry about supplying water, fertilizing,
planting, protecting the fields from hungry wildlife, harvesting, and then extracting the final chemical
product. Now it is possible, through similar fermenting technology used to make
beer, to produce artemisinin. It can easily be scaled-up to make large batches. It's fast. It does not depend on
weather or wildlife. No fertilizer needed - just sugar and some cheap broth.
By producing artemisinin with yeast, the drug can
potentially be produced in greater quantities, more reliably—all for less
money—which means it can reach more of those suffering from malaria. That's the
problem-solving, bio-awesome power of biotechnology. The field is still in its
infancy, and huge breakthroughs are on the horizon—breakthroughs that you can
be part of.
Westfall, PJ et al. (17 January 2012) Production of amorphadiene in yeast, and
its conversion to dihydroartemisinic acid, precursor to the antimalarial agent
artemisinin. PNAS, vol. 109, no. 3,
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